Make a family tree

Make a family tree

Your family tree can be a great tool for helping you keep your family history and lineage organized, as well as a powerful way to connect with the past.  We believe in the power of family trees. Not only do they help you identify your family members and their relationships to one another, but they also provide a way for you to connect with your past and understand where you came from.

See how you and your ancestors intertwined over time by discovering long-lost relatives to fill in the blanks in your family's history.

Making a family tree is an important step in your genealogical research. It allows you to track your ancestors, their children, and grandchildren, and even their great-grandchildren. It's also a way for you to get in touch with distant relatives that you might not know about otherwise. You may even find out that you have cousins or other relatives living nearby!

By making a family tree, you'll be able to see how your ancestors' lives were similar and different from yours—and what led them down the paths they took in life. It’s a great way to preserve your family history and make it available for future generations.